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Mediation Intensive 

Business Mediator Training (IHK)

The new Mediation Act offers the opportunity to significantly change the culture of dispute resolution in Germany and settle disputes before they escalate. Court proceedings are usually very time consuming, costly, and often result in questionable outcomes. Mediation helps because ,at the end of successful mediation, there is always a win-win situation. This is why more and more conflict parties are turning to business mediation to tackle their problems. This not only saves time, money, and energy, but also forms the basis for continuing, trusting, and successful cooperation in the future. Instead of a highly regulated and harsh exchange of blows in court, which only leads to a further hardening of positions, business mediation looks behind the problem. The mediator helps the parties to uncover the cause of the conflict and to find out exactly what they need to resolve this conflict amicably and to the satisfaction of both parties. Results are worked out that take particular account of the economic, business, and personal interests of the parties involved. For these reasons alone, business mediation is increasingly recommended as the preferable alternative to court proceedings.


A mediator must have a wide range of skills and knowledge. In addition to a high degree of trustworthiness, empathy, independence, and conflict resolution skills, a mediator should have legal, personal, and specialist knowledge. This knowledge, which is necessary for the successful implementation of business mediation, is taught and trained in the "Mediation Intensive" training course in a short and concise manner. After successfully completing the seminar, participants are awarded the title "Business Mediator"

The mediation training is aimed at people who have to deal with conflicts in their professional context. 
For example: lawyers and judges, tax consultants, management consultants, managers and employees in the field of personnel and organizational development, psychologists, and (social) educators.


Legal foundations, ethical self-image and phases of business mediation 

Introduction to the basics, structure and process of mediation, special features of mediation
Historical development and definition of mediation
  • Legal foundations
  • Fundamentals of mediation 
  • Overview and principles
  • Process design, structure and phases of mediation
  • Overview of communication and working techniques
  • Difference between positions and interests
  • Mission statement of mediation and different mediation approaches
  • Presentation of different fields of application
  • Requirements for the mediator
  • Tasks and attitude of the mediator
  • Ethical self-image
  • Advantages and disadvantages of different methods
  • Conflict theory, i.e. types, dynamics, styles, and escalation stages of conflicts
  • Personal attitude to conflicts

Exercises, role plays, reflections, feedback, and analysis


Communication techniques and different mediation settings

Basics of successful communication in different communication settings, such as shuttle mediation, face-to-face mediation, co-mediation, etc.
  • Focal points
  • Communication models
  • Sender-receiver model
  • Iceberg model
  • Metamodel of language
  • Dealing with feelings, interests, and needs
  • Use of communication techniques
  • Active listening
  • Questioning techniques
  • Reframing
  • I-message
  • Neutralizing/reformulating
  • Objection handling
  • Intervention techniques
  • Methods of controlling conversations in conflictual processes (also on the telephone)

Exercises, role plays, reflection, feedback, and analysis


Emotions in conflicts

Dealing with emotions in conflicts: Promoting empathy and understanding between the conflict parties
Key points
  • Self-reflection
  • Self-perception/perception of others
  • Emotional impact management, resistance, and blockages
  • Difference between one´s own feelings/feelings of others
  • Perception of needs and interests
  • Creating empathy and understanding
  • Re-emotion
  • Focusing
  • Guided meditations
  • Personality traits
  • Methods of empathic intervention in conflictual processes

Exercises, guided meditations, role plays, reflection, and feedback


Process and practice of mediation

  • Deepening the process of mediation, mediation in practice, different mediation settings, and legal framework conditions
  • Focal points
  • Details of the phases of mediation
  • Mediation contract
  • Opening phase
  • Collection of material/topic identification
  • Exploration of interests
  • Individual discussions (basic structure and implementation)
  • Solution options
  • Final contract
  • Consolidation of the legal basis
  • Differences between face-to-face and shuttle mediation
  • Supervision
  • Negotiation skills
  • Power and fairness in mediation

Exercises, role plays, reflection, feedback, and analysis


Practice of mediation and final examination for the title of "Business mediator"

a) Practice of Mediation
In-depth exercises on individual aspects of mediation, practice in the targeted use of visualization techniques
  • Use of visualization techniques, images, and metaphors
  • In-depth exercises on the individual phases of mediation, in particular on finding solutions, and collecting, evaluating, and selecting options

Exercises, role plays, reflection, feedback, and analysis

b) Final examination for the title of "Business Mediator"
Conducting the final examination
Focal points
  • Examination of participants' skills based on a face-to-face and/or shuttle mediation using practical case studies
  • Performance assessment using a standardized assessment procedure

Awarding of the title "Business Mediator"
Organizational Matters 
  • Five seminar modules of two days each and two supervision days (by arrangement) with personal attendance (total duration approx. 90 hours)
  • Self-study of scripts, books and learning videos as well as exercises in peer groups are to be carried out by the participants on their own initiative to the extent of approx. 30 hours
Great importance is attached to the seniority of the participants, as a high degree of personal responsibility and self-study is required.

Oral examination in which each participant presents their knowledge in the form of a practical exercise, as well as writing a 10-page seminar paper.

You will receive a certificate in accordance with the guidelines of the Federal Association of Mediation. This ensures that you fulfill the requirements for mediators.

Do you have any questions? Please feel free to contact us!

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For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge, we recommend the specialist literature from C-TO-BE. Order directly from us now.

Virtual Negotiation. An Optimal Approach to Online Negotiations
Better Negotiating. The Training Book
Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie (German version)
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