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Results for Mutual Benefit 

Negotiating in Sales - Better Negotiating for Sales Staff and Key Account Managers

Global trends in sales show that the most successful sales departments operate on an equal footing with customers and their purchasing departments. Particularly in the face of tough competition, your own customer relationship should be sustainably secured. Objective arguments and simple persuasion are often not enough if both negotiating partners are pursuing different goals and business interests. Your negotiating partners are committed heads of strategic purchasing on the customer side, experienced purchasers, and informed administrators.
The prevailing negotiating style in purchasing is sometimes characterized by extreme harshness in price negotiations.  At first glance, the success of sales negotiations is measured in terms of turnover, but in the long term you have only negotiated well if a mutually satisfactory cooperation is established and the customer enters into a genuine partnership with you and wants to grow with you. The Harvard concept ("Getting to Yes") offers a globally proven strategy that will help you develop and consolidate your individual negotiating skills.

Contents of the Training

Special features of negotiating in sales
  • N.E.G.O.T.I.A.T.E. - the negotiation process
  • The two main negotiation styles: cooperative and competitive
  • The basics of negotiation tactics
  • Convincing arguments and professional objection handling
  • Gently steering and influencing
  • Skillfully implementing price increases

Get to know the Harvard concept and apply it in negotiations
  • Conducting tough, factual negotiations on the basis of a cooperative attitude
  • Treat people and problems separately
  • Focus on interests, not positions
  • Develop mutually beneficial solutions
  • Use neutral assessment criteria as the basis for a fair evaluation
  • Know the best alternative to the desired negotiation objective

Reflection and Application

  • Analysis of personal negotiation behavior
  • Rethinking and breaking new ground - using optimized negotiation strategies
  • Implementation sheet for day-to-day sales business

  • Concrete negotiation situations from sales are simulated and analyzed during training
  • Trainer input on negotiation theory
  • Intensive participant and trainer feedback

Training OFFERS

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Book tips

For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge, we recommend the specialist literature from C-TO-BE. Order directly from us now.

Virtual Negotiation. An Optimal Approach to Online Negotiations
Better Negotiating. The Training Book
Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie (German version)
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