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Organizational Development


Refers to the planned, and thus targeted, development of both structures and processes as well as the corporate culture and employees of an organization. It is a medium, long-term, continuous, and sustainable development process whose goals are determined by the existing corporate strategy.

Our goal, as always, is to look for the starting points with the greatest impact. This can be the revitalization of a mission statement, the optimization of structures and processes, cooperation with customers, or even the new orientation of a business unit.
In larger organizations, we advise the management and the department responsible for organizational development at your company. In medium-sized companies, where there is no in-house organizational development department, we are happy to take over the function of the OD for a defined period of time. In the case of medium-sized companies, the tasks can range from clarifying the corporate culture to reorganization or change management to the further development of employees in the sense of a learning organization. 

In our work, we draw on the concept of Peter M. Senge, which he describes in his book "The Fifth Discipline. Art and Practice of the Learning Organization". In addition to the Learning Organization approach, the dynamic concepts of New Work and Agile Working flow into our consulting practices.

Do you have questions on the topic of organizational development or would like an individual offer? Please feel free to contact us!

New Work is based on the idea of “Working 4.0” and involves various aspects of adapting to our rapidly changing working world, such as:

Flexibility in terms of time and place of work: options such as home office, remote work, and flexible working hours enable people to better balance their work with their private lives.
A culture of trust and self-determination: Employees should have the opportunity to shape their work independently and responsibly on their own schedule and to contribute their ideas.
A strong focus on the needs and wishes of employees: New Work emphasizes the importance of a healthy work-life balance and the promotion of well-being and satisfaction.
The use of digital technologies and tools helps to improve work processes and promote collaboration.
We report on current topics in our blog - take a look!

Book tips

For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge, we recommend the specialist literature from C-TO-BE. Order directly from us now.

Virtual Negotiation. An Optimal Approach to Online Negotiations
Better Negotiating. The Training Book
Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie (German version)
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