You are here: C-TO-BETeamStephan Paetzold

Trainer, Consultant, & Coach 

Stephan Paetzold

Stephan Paetzold is a true professional! With up to 120 training days per year as an in-house trainer, he brings nearly 20 years of experience in the Volkswagen Group. His assignments for Volkswagen AG, MAN Truck & Bus, MAN Energy Solutions, and Volkswagen Finances have taken him to China, India, Argentina, and Mexico. Stephan has developed modular management programs that have been implemented worldwide. Since 2019, Stephan has been supporting C-TO-BE as a Senior Consultant on topics such as leadership, change, and negotiation. Stephan resides in Uslar near Kassel.
Main Topics
  • Leadership Development (personality and tools), Conception and Implementation of Programs and Individual Measures
  • Conversation and Communication
  • Negotiation
  • Change Management
  • Coaching
Trainer and Consultant Qualification 
  • Diplom Pedagogue, University of the German Armed Forces
  • Master Total Quality Management, University of Kaiserslautern
  • Systemic Coach, Systemic Society
  • EFQM Assessor, European Foundation for Quality Management
  • MBTI licensing, A-M-T Management Performance AG
  • Trainer training, Management Academy Essen

Professional Development
  • 18 years of experience as a Management Trainer, Project Manager, and Consultant, Volkswagen AG
  • 4 years of experience as a Project Manager Inhouse Consulting, Deutsche Bahn AG
  • 5 years of experience as a Head of Advanced Training, medium-sized company (1,200 employees)
  • 12 years of experience as an Officer, German Armed Forces

Training Languages
German and English
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Book tips

For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge, we recommend the specialist literature from C-TO-BE. Order directly from us now.

Virtual Negotiation. An Optimal Approach to Online Negotiations
Better Negotiating. The Training Book
Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie (German version)
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