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The Tool to Increase Efficiency: Losing Sight of the Goal Doubles the Effort 

Conducting Employee Appraisals in a Goal-Oriented Manner

Employee appraisals are often improvised, either due to a lack of time or because there is a lack of knowledge about the basic rules of conducting a discussion. Instead of leading employees to better performance, the result of criticism discussions in particular is often rather demotivating.
By conducting structured, appreciative discussions, managers strengthen the trust of employees and promote not only autonomous action but also the quality of the agreed services.

Contents of the Training

Practicing basic techniques of leading conversations
  • How do I diagnose the respective leadership and decision-making situation?
  • How do I find out the right decision and discussion situation?

Structured procedure of the different types of employee interviews
  • Promotion, consultation, appraisal, delegation, criticism, recognition, target agreement and control discussions

Target discussions with employees
  • Formulate department-specific mini-goal agreements
  • Agree SMART goals (specific, measurable, aligned, realistic, and timebound)
  • Document the content of discussions appropriately

Encourage personal responsibility and motivate employees
  • The "Habits of Highly Effective People" according to Stephen R. Covey
  • Personal responsibility, degrees of freedom, and control in appraisal interviews
  • Motivation as a driving force
  • Metacommunication: body language statements of my conversation partners and their meaning

Don't be afraid of difficult appraisal interviews!
  • From confrontation to cooperation: win-win thinking
  • Dealing with resistance, successful defense against unfair dialectics
  • Dealing with objections on the factual level, mastering attacks on the relationship level

Trainer input, video-supported role-playing of practical discussion situations, and individual work

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Book tips

For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge, we recommend the specialist literature from C-TO-BE. Order directly from us now.

Virtual Negotiation. An Optimal Approach to Online Negotiations
Better Negotiating. The Training Book
Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie (German version)
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