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To the Point 


"You can't not communicate!"
This motto is by Paul Watzlawick, which has been known for many years. It´s more relevant today than ever.

All of our behavior has a communicative character, whether we are presenting in front of a large group, leading meetings or conducting negotiations. We communicate countless times every day, both consciously and unconsciously.
Is good knowledge of human nature not enough?
Whether, and to what extent, we achieve our goals depends crucially on our communication skills.

Good knowledge of human nature and instinct help in many situations, but not in all.

In our training courses, we teach specific techniques such as discussion guidelines, successful concepts for argumentation structures, presentation, and facilitation techniques.

Do you have any questions? Please feel free to contact us!

Training OFFERS

We report on current topics in our blog - take a look!

Book tips

For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge, we recommend the specialist literature from C-TO-BE. Order directly from us now.

Virtual Negotiation. An Optimal Approach to Online Negotiations
Better Negotiating. The Training Book
Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie (German version)
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