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Interactively and Empathically Design and Facilitate Online and Hybrid Lectures, Presentations, and Workshops 

Let`s Get Edutained

Do you want to bring a breath of fresh air into your online events or hybrid workshops?

There are enough long-winded presentations - do it COMPLETELY different and increase the attention of your listeners and viewers.
Surprise your participants with interactive and lively elements and methods! 
Build a relationship with them and experience active and engaged participants at every event.
Tell stories with high emotional value, as these anchor themselves in the long-term memory of your audience's brain.

Contents of the Training

  • You will bring lightness, fun, and joy into your presentations and workshops.
  • You will learn how to activate your participants and keep the energy level high.
  • You will increase the motivation of your participants with interactive formats and tools.
  • You will create a sense of togetherness, either behind the screens or in a hybrid group.

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us!

Training OFFERS

We report on current topics in our blog - take a look!

Book tips

For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge, we recommend the specialist literature from C-TO-BE. Order directly from us now.

Virtual Negotiation. An Optimal Approach to Online Negotiations
Better Negotiating. The Training Book
Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie (German version)
© C-TO-BE. THE COACHING COMPANY | Seeuferstraße 59 | 82541 Ambach - Münsing | Tel.: +49 8177 / 99 85 458 |