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TMS - Now It Really Gets Going! 

Team Development & Team Analysis Workshop - Diversity. Connectivity. Innovation.

As an employee in HR Development, you already have your personal TMS profile in your hands. You have read your individual evaluation, which comprises around 30 pages, and know your main and secondary roles. 

You know
  • how you interact with others
  • how you collect and use information
  • how you make decisions
  • how you organize yourself and others.

But what does this mean for the whole team?

We will:
  • Share profiles across the team on a voluntary basis so that everyone knows each team member's preferences, and use knowledge of preferences to work more efficiently
  • Develop strategies with the team to close gaps
  • Develop linking skills in the team to communicate and cooperate better
Diversity, connectivity, and innovation are our guiding principles.

The colorful diversity in our team is something unique that holds unimagined potential. Let's explore it together!
If you draw on this diversity in the future, get what you need from others, and give what you have to offer in return, powerful synergies are created.
Diversity and stronger networking open up new creative possibilities. For your team and for your work in personnel development.
Contents of the Training

  • Developing work functions
  • Questions about the bike
  • Activities around the bike
  • Thinking around the bike
  • Using the team management profile 
  • Reading the profile in a structured way
  • Use your profile
  • What are my strengths and how do I use them?
  • Create team status
  • Know and use team roles
  • How balanced is our team?
  • Team inspection
  • Developing high-performance teams
  • Linking skills 
  • TMS in personnel development
  • Change of perspective
  • Successful communication
  • Linking tasks
  • Transfer to your PE environment 
  • Developing identity
  • Taking personal responsibility
  • Staying on task

Test, short presentations, discussions, individual and group work, and practical exercises

Training OFFers

Do you have any questions? Please feel free to contact us!
We report on current topics in our blog - take a look!

Book tips

For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge, we recommend the specialist literature from C-TO-BE. Order directly from us now.

Virtual Negotiation. An Optimal Approach to Online Negotiations
Better Negotiating. The Training Book
Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie (German version)
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