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Simplify Your Life! Appear More Efficient and Relaxed Through Professional Management of Your Personal Resources 

Efficient Self-Management

There are times when the workload in everyday professional life stretches employees to the limits of their capabilities. Everything just seems tedious, exhausting, and complicated.
But the solution is quite simple: Simplify your daily work routine!
This training gives you the proven rules of simplifying. It provides you with immediately actionable tips and amazing new methods from which you can pick and choose the ones that suit you. Serene and healthy employees are efficient employees - the heart of every company.

Contents of the Training

Taking stock: analyzing your personal work style
  • How to set and achieve goals realistically
  • How to create a personal goal and time management plan
  • How to use professional techniques of work methodology
  • How to define realistic priorities and make the best use of your time capital

How to deal with stress factors: Recognizing and banishing burnout risks
  • How to use short-term stress management techniques
  • How to learn long-term relaxation techniques

How to handle stressful situations with confidence
  • How to slow down your life and enjoy your own time
  • How to stay fit and healthy without stressing out
  • How to deal more calmly with superiors and colleagues
  • How to optimally combine private and professional life

Test, short presentations, exchange of experiences, individual and group work, and practical exercises on concrete situations from the business environment.

Training OFFERS

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Book tips

For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge, we recommend the specialist literature from C-TO-BE. Order directly from us now.

Virtual Negotiation. An Optimal Approach to Online Negotiations
Better Negotiating. The Training Book
Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie (German version)
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