You are here: C-TO-BETeamIris Götz

Trainer, Consultant, & Coach 

Iris Götz

"In the professional world, many people act logically. However, it is often much more effective to act psycho-logically when it comes to successful collaboration and achieving goals." With her educational background in Work and Organizational Psychology (Dipl.-Psych.) and Systemic Consultation (SG), Iris Götz has been working in the field of personnel and organizational development for various industrial companies since 1997. For seven years, Iris worked as an internal personnel and organizational developer for Volkswagen AG. Since 2006, she has dedicated herself as an expert in management diagnostics. Iris resides in Berlin.
Main Topics
  • Aptitude Diagnostics for Specialists and Managers (conception/implementation of group and individual assessments, structured interviews)
  • Management Diagnostics (analyses of potential, assessments for middle and senior management)
  • Interviewing Techniques for Personnel and Management (concepts, methodology and training)
  • Coaching in Professional Change Situations
Trainer and Consultant Qualification 
  • 2019 Certified mediator, conflict management in organizations
  • 2012 Mental strength / mental training in sports and performance (Ortwin Meiss)
  • 2011-2012 Clinical hypnosis, Dr. Gunther Schmidt
  • 2010 Conflict management in organizations, Trigon Development Consultancy
  • Accreditation as a trainer and consultant, Team Management System (TMS)
  • Organizational and structural constellations, Business Training Varga von Kibéd/Sparrer
  • Training as a Systemic Coach, Kassel Institute
  • Systemic Organizational Consulting (SG), Kassel Institute

Professional Development 
  • Over 15 years´ experience as a management trainer and internal personnel developer, Volkswagen Coaching GmbH
  • Consultant and trainer, Opel AG
  • Freelance consultant personnel selection, Lufthansa AG
  • Graduate psychologist, Darmstadt University of Technology (focus: Industrial and Organizational Psychology and Business Administration)

Training languages
German and English
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Book tips

For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge, we recommend the specialist literature from C-TO-BE. Order directly from us now.

Virtual Negotiation. An Optimal Approach to Online Negotiations
Better Negotiating. The Training Book
Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie (German version)
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