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How to Become an Expert in Negotiation Skills 

Negotiation Consultant Training

If you are a managing director, project manager, buyer, or sales employee, you negotiate almost every day. The complexity of the content often forces negotiators to focus more on the matter at hand and less on the negotiation process and the relationship between the negotiators. Stress can quickly arise, especially if the other party has more negotiating experience or power. As a result, people often react intuitively. Negotiations escalate and results are achieved with which the parties are less than satisfied.
As a "negotiation consultant" you will become a negotiation professional. Based on your professional experience and first-class negotiation training, you will be able to negotiate convincingly and consciously in any situation.
We will show you how to convince with individuality, a variety of methods, and personal steadfastness. You will achieve good results that enable long-term business relationships and negotiate efficiently and effectively in different negotiation contexts.
After training as a negotiation consultant, you will be able to develop strategies for conducting negotiations professionally. You will become an expert in the following disciplines:
  • Current negotiation expertise
  • Conscious application of cooperative, distributive, or competitive negotiation styles
  • Professional communication skills and process reliability
  • Confident and confident appearance in negotiations

Target Group

All employees and managers who negotiate in or for their companies: Managing directors and the self-employed, sales staff and purchasers, managers, and project managers with the aim of conducting negotiations professionally. The training is suitable for newcomers to negotiation as well as for negotiation professionals who want to develop and review their conceptual, methodological and professional skills.

Contents of the Training

Module 1 Basics of negotiation
  • What is a negotiation?
  • The negotiation process
  • Preparation of a negotiation
  • The two main negotiation styles: cooperative and competitive
  • Communication in the negotiation
  • The power of language
  • Professional questioning techniques
  • Arguing and convincing
  • Body language in negotiations
  • Concluding the negotiation

Module 2 Cooperative negotiation according to the Harvard concept
  • Finding agreements in the interests of both sides
  • How to separate the person from the issue
  • How to focus on interests instead of positions
  • How to create value - increasing the size of the cake together
  • How to ensure fairness - setting objective criteria and transparent standards
  • Why your plan B is important - Knowing the best alternatives

Module 3 Dealing with difficult negotiating partners
  • Negotiating competitively
  • Dealing with negotiating power
  • Concession rules
  • Negotiation tricks
  • Bargaining and bazaar negotiations
  • Price negotiations
  • Negotiating with monopolists
  • When the negotiation becomes difficult/unfair
  • De-escalation strategies according to the Harvard concept II: "Getting Past No"

Module 4 NEGO Life
  • COOPETITION - How to cooperate AND compete in a negotiation
  • The psychology of influence according to Robert Cialdini
  • Recognizing and fending off manipulation techniques
  • Differences between internal and external negotiations
  • Dynamics of negotiations with several parties
  • Maintaining an overview in complex negotiations
  • Negotiating confidently in an international environment
  • Conducting negotiations in English
  • Managing intercultural differences


  • Four two-day modules (or 3 x 3 days) with a focus on teaching core competencies
  • Theoretical input on specialist topics from the trainers
  • Exchange of experience, group work, and self-reflection
  • Negotiation simulation with business actors on request
  • Video recording and analysis of negotiations
  • Preparation and analysis of participants' own negotiation cases
  • Creation of an action plan for their own practice
  • All participants will receive a copy of Jutta Portner's book: "Better Negotiating" as a training aid


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Book tips

For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge, we recommend the specialist literature from C-TO-BE. Order directly from us now.

Virtual Negotiation. An Optimal Approach to Online Negotiations
Better Negotiating. The Training Book
Flexibel verhandeln. Die vier Fälle der NEGO-Strategie (German version)
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